Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ohhh why not

I have never been one for blogging. I didn't see the point - who really cares what I am saying? No one. My life is not interesting...I am 20 years old, going into my senior year of college, and on the average pretty boring. Like most females, I am uncomfortable with my body image. I eat healthy (for the most part) and go to the gym on a regular basis, but the constant pressures of being in college are harsh. Invites to go out to parties, late-night trips to Wendy''s hard to pass those oh-so inviting offers down in exchange for going to the gym and eating some celery.

What has this got to do with blogging, you ask? Well, I came across The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Pants - a place where bloggers go to give and recieve motivation to fellow healthy living advocates. So I figured I would jump on the bang-wagon and start this bad boy up. Over the past few months, I have lost around 15lbs (woohoo! ) Mostly thanks to lots of gym visits and healthy eating.

But summer is ending, and fall semester is just around the corner. The lack of invitations to go to the bars and parties and fast food restarants while I'm home over the summer makes being healthy a breeze. But soon I will again face the pressures of jello shots, double whoppers with cheese, and a strenuous study schedule that leaves less hours for the gym and more in the library.

I've read that blogging about weight loss helps, between the motivation of others and just getting everything off your chest. So here I am. Hopefully I won't gain that senior-15 (does that even exist?)

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